Monday, February 24, 2014

February in Fargo...

Last weekend the kids and I were able to go to Minnesota to visit my family... Flying into Fargo, ND in February seems to most like a somewhat crazy thing to do, but to me it is so awesome to go "home" anytime I can.  I was able to spend time with both of my grandpas (both over the age of 80) and so many more people that I wish lived many miles closer!  I cherish these times so much.  Here are some of the pictures from the weekend!  Happy Monday everyone!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What to Wear for AWESOME Family Photos

You have your photo session booked... You have the time and location picked out... The kids have been "talked to" about how to behave... Now the only thing left is to figure out what everyone is going to wear!!  I would say this is, by far, the most stressful part for most of us!  

Well, here are few tips that will hopefully ease the stress and make it a more enjoyable experience!

Don't be to "Matchy-Matchy"
Instead of trying to get the whole family to match, try to coordinate by using colors that go well together.  I like to advise to start with one person and then fill everyone else in.  There is a great website that can help with color families (ps. it's awesome for home decorating too)!  Go to you can put any color in and it will give you coordinating colors for it.  I Love This Site :-)!!!

Use Pops of Bright Color
Photos look awesome with pops of bright colors in them.  Trust me, this was a very difficult concept for me to grasp.  I am a brown and black kinda girl, but when you see a photo with an awesome yellow or pink or blue (the list goes on and on) it just pops and makes it that much more AWESOME!

Accessorize.  Accessorize.  Accessorize.
I LOVE hats, scarves, coats, vests... you name it!  Accessories are so great for pictures.  First of all they can make the same outfit look totally different, but also they just make a photo look more complete.  A few years ago, I went to a presentation on "what to wear" day to day and the lady mentioned wearing items in 3s.  It is always best to add that third item to an outfit... pants, shirt and one more item completes the outfit.  This can be a big necklace, a layered shirt, a scarf, a hat... you name it. 

Wear what you LoVe!
Pictures are meant to capture who you are.  I love when I take a photo of a family and their true personality comes out!  To me, that is the best keepsake!  So, wear what you love and what you feel good in!  

Friday, February 7, 2014

5 Tips For Taking Great Pictures of Your Kids when a professional photographer is not around!

I was recently asked to speak to a group of moms about taking pictures of your own children.  I started to think about some of the tips I would give and so I thought I would share a few on here!  Taking pictures of my, now 8 year old twins is really what started my love for photography.  I took so many pictures of them from day 1.  I am not the best at keeping baby books, journaling, etc... so this was my way of marking key moments!  So here are a few tips.

1.  Catch them in the act of doing what they love...  The pictures will look more natural and less forced.

2. Get down to their level... play with them, lay on the floor... they will engage much better and the image will be better!

3.  Choose a clean, low distraction backdrop!  Fireplaces are usually great... or the front of the house.  It's cliche I know, but really works!

4. SHOOT, SHOOT and SHOOT again... Luckily most of us have access to digital cameras.  Kids move a lot and are hard to keep still... the more pictures you take the more likely you are to capture that ONE perfect shot!

5.  Get close.  Close ups are some of my most cherished photos.  I love to see the details in their faces!

I cherish all the pictures I have of my kids... this is a HUGE reason I went into shooting families, children and babies.  I want everyone to have these keepsakes.  Since you can't have a photographer on hand at all times, I think it is important to learn how to capture some of the day to day moments on your own!  So, snap away!  And, when you are ready to have professional pictures of your kids and family taken (mom needs to be in some pictures too), let me know!  I would LOVE to be a part of it!  Even as a professional photographer, Jeff and I make a priority to have our FAMILY pictures taken at least once a year... When Griffin and Grace are grown, I know these family photos will be invaluable!